Hello. I have found a problem when trying to calibrate the stereo cameras, or when I try to utilize them at all.
As soon as any service tries to pull a frame from the stereo cameras this happens (for example, when starting up voxl-portal to begin the calibration procedure):
Received raw10 frame, checking t o se if is actually raw8
Frame was actually 8 bit, sending as is
Internal AE new val:exposure 0 gain 0
Port : port_33
Name : stereo
Enabled : 1
Type : stereo
Api : hal3
p-W : 1280
p-H : 480
p-Fmt : nv21
FPS : 30
OverrideId : -1
AEAlgo : modalai
Internal AE new val:exposure 234 gain 234
Internal AE new val:exposure 221 gain 234
Internal AE new val:exposure 221 gain 221
------ voxl-camera-server INFO: Client: voxl-portal0 connected to channel: 1
voxl-camera-server ERROR: Error sending request 2, ErrorCode: -19
voxl-camera-server FATAL: Recieved Fatal error from camera: stereo
Camera server will be stopped
------ voxl-camera-server WARNING: Thread: stereo request thread recieved ESTOP
------ voxl-camera-server WARNING: Thread: tracking result thread recieved ESTOP
------ voxl-camera-server WARNING: Thread: hires result thread recieved ESTOP
------ voxl-camera-server WARNING: Thread: stereo result thread recieved ESTOP
------ voxl-camera-server WARNING: Thread: hires request thread recieved ESTOP
------ voxl-camera-server INFO: Camera server is now stopping
There is a chance that it may segfault here, this is a mmqcamera bug, ignore it
------ voxl-camera-server INFO: Stopping tracking camera
voxl-camera-server ERROR: Framenumber: 3676 ErrorCode: 2
voxl-camera-server ERROR: Framenumber: 3677 ErrorCode: 2
voxl-camera-server ERROR: Framenumber: 3678 ErrorCode: 2
------ voxl-camera-server WARNING: Thread: tracking request thread recieved ESTOP
------ voxl-camera-server INFO: tracking camera stopped successfully
------ voxl-camera-server INFO: Stopping hires camera
------ voxl-camera-server INFO: hires camera stopped successfully
------ voxl-camera-server INFO: Stopping stereo camera
------ voxl-camera-server INFO: stereo camera stopped successfully
------ voxl-camera-server INFO: Camera server exited gracefully
From what I see in the camera HAL3 API, -ENODEV just refers to an internal, and is a rather non-descriptive error.
The camera server has already been configured.
The camera's physical connection seems fine.
The rest of the cameras operate correctly in voxl-portal and have been calibrated.
voxl-version outputs:
cat: /etc/modalai/voxl-software-bundle-version.txt: No such file or directory
system-image: ModalAI 3.3.0 BUILDER: ekatzfey BUILD_TIME: 2021-06-06_19:28
kernel: #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jun 6 19:41:01 UTC 2021 3.18.71-perf
factory-bundle: 1.0.1 (Yocto installation)
architecture: aarch64
processor: apq8096
os: GNU/Linux
Package: voxl-suite
Version: 0.5.0
Depends: libjpeg_turbo (>= 9.0.4), libmodal_exposure (>= 0.0.2), libmodal_json (>= 0.3.6), libmodal_pipe (>= 2.1.1), librc_math (>= 1.1.5), libvoxl_cutils (>= 0.0.2), libvoxl_io (>= 0.5.4), mavlink-camera-manager (>= 0.0.2), mongoose (>= 7.3.0), opencv (>= 4.5.2-2), openmp (>= 10.0.2), voxl-camera-calibration (>= 0.1.1), voxl-camera-server (>= 0.8.1), voxl-cpu-monitor (>= 0.2.0), voxl-dfs-server (>= 0.2.2), voxl-docker-support (>= 1.1.3), voxl-gphoto2 (>= 0.0.5), voxl-imu-server (>= 0.9.1), voxl-mavlink (>= 0.0.2), voxl-modem (>= 0.12.0), voxl-mpa-tools (>= 0.3.6), voxl-nodes (>= 0.2.0), voxl-portal (>= 0.1.2), voxl-qvio-server (>= 0.3.4), voxl-streamer (>= 0.2.6), voxl-tag-detector (>= 0.0.2), voxl-tflite (>= 2.2.3), voxl-tflite-server (>= 0.1.5), voxl-utils (>= 0.8.4), voxl-vision-px4 (>= 0.9.5), voxl-vpn (>= 0.0.3)
Status: install user installed
Section: base
Architecture: all
Maintainer: james@modalai.com
MD5Sum: f55ec020942e92ff12bc137c2aa8d2a5
Size: 1956
Filename: voxl-suite_0.5.0.ipk
Description: meta-package for voxl-suite software collection
Installed-Time: 1640891859
Package: voxl-suite
Version: 0.2.0
Depends: docker, imu_app (= 0.0.6), libvoxl_io (= 0.5.2), voxl-cam-manager (= 0.2.2), voxl-docker-support (= 1.1.1), voxl-hal3-tof-cam-ros (= 0.0.2), voxl-modem (= 0.10.0), voxl-nodes (= 0.0.8), voxl-rtsp (= 1.0.2), voxl-utils (= 0.5.2), voxl-vision-px4 (= 0.6.8), voxl_imu (= 0.0.4), voxl-time-sync (= 0.0.1), voxl-vpn (= 0.0.2), librc_math (= 1.1.2), libmodal_pipe (= 1.2.2), modalai-vl (= 0.1.3)
Status: unknown ok not-installed
Section: base
Architecture: armv7a
Maintainer: james@modalai.com
MD5Sum: af706cd3c1ea59f274f2ed9b93141f1d
Size: 870
Filename: voxl-suite_0.2.0.ipk
Description: meta-package to install all of the voxl-suite