Sorry for the late response, I've been doing some testing. so I've narrowed it down to the error lying in the stereo cameras, I connected each sensor one at a time, reconfigured, and ran the voxl-streamer and was able to get footage for the hires and tracking, but when it came to the stereo it would not work. When I would reboot the system and inspect the services I would see that the voxl-camera-server is running, but once I tried to voxl-streamer -c stereo it would get stuck at the same place and the voxl-camera-server would stop running. I've confirmed that both of my extension cables are working by testing them with the hires camera. I checked the physcial connections on the stereo cameras and there are no creases in them, they look just as they were folded with the original setup, and I believe that if any of the connections were inverted then the VOXL wouldn't even start up.