Thank you for your detailed response!
It has already addressed much of the urgent information we needed.
We look forward to receiving more details on the props and speed.
Thank you for your detailed response!
It has already addressed much of the urgent information we needed.
We look forward to receiving more details on the props and speed.
Dear ModalAI Team,
We are in the process of purchasing the Starling2 (C27) and have a few questions that require clarification.
We need to provide the following details for import clearance, but we were unable to find them on the Starling2 datasheet or the product page:
Could you kindly provide these specifications?
Additionally, regarding the weight of the drone, the datasheet lists it as 285g, while the product page states 280g. Could you confirm which figure more accurately reflects the weight of the C27 Starling2?
Based on this discussion, it appears that the Replacement Starling Propellers (set of 4) are compatible with Starling2 and that they are DJI 4726 propellers. Could you confirm if this information is correct?
We appreciate your assistance and look forward to your response.
You seem to be doing everything right, but I am using MAVROS with PX4 maybe there's some subtle difference in the implementation?
One weird error I recall from my memory is that there was a time that I was also doing everything right but the relocalization just not work. (But the symptom is voxl-inspect-pose -f give me the ekf_frame coordinates). What magically worked is that I delete the tag_locations.conf and voxl-tag-detector.conf, reset voxl-tag-detector using voxl-configure-tag-detector, and then it worked. But this may very well not be your case maybe it was just some ill-formed json for me.
" I took the drone off a few meters away from the Aruco code (EKF home position) without a view of the Aruco code. After flying manually to place the aruco code in view, "
What helped me is that at this stage I will often do voxl-inspect-pose -f. This will tell you the drone's current pose in fixed frame. Usually when this is correct and I have these enabled (as you already did in the tag_locations.conf ) :
"en_tag_fixed_frame": true,
"en_transform_mavlink_pos_setpoints_from_fixed_frame": true,
then the drone will fly to that coordinate in fixed_frame instead of in ekf_frame.
If the result of voxl-inspect-pose -f is not as expected (either the same as ekf_frame or comepletely off from where it should be), you can launch voxl-tag-detector or voxl-vision-hub with the debug tag to see what is wrong (type voxl-tag-detector -h in the terminal will reveal some info for launch option).
Are you able to fly seeker indoor (for which no GPS available) with Position mode?
If not, for seeker to use VIO as position estimate you need to use this set of parameter for px4.
@zauberflote1 said in voxl-open-vins-server How to Use, Overall Questions, ROS/ROS2 Findings:
decision reduced the sampling jitter b
Thank you for sharing your insights and great work!
Thanks for the response.
Looking forward to the great work.
In the product page's perception section it writes "Triple AR0144 1MP fisheye CV image sensor for visual inertial odometry (VIO)".
Does this mean all three fisheye image can be utilize by qvio server at the same time?
@Darshit-Desai Our m500 also showed something needed to be done with the acutator after updgrade to 1.14. But after loading the parameters (assuming you are using fcv2) and then reboot and it is okay.
p.s. I vaguely rember having to do "loading parameters and rebooting" twice to get everything done. But I'm not very sure about this just I have this impression.
If by manual mode you mean literally the manual mode in PX4 then I think what you need to do is to switch to position mode (provided by qvio server is working properly) via QGC (or some other way).