Hi Sergio. I'm handle a number of rover configurations here for the team. Reading thru the posts, let's take a step back to confirm your setup.
a. you are using the cube to output IMU data into voxl-cam.
b. you are using voxl-cam to output odom data [back] to the cube for (e.g. external vision localization)
c. the camera has been moved from the stock position of -45deg from horizon w.r.t. voxl-cam body to 0deg from horizon w.r.t. voxl cam body.
d. the cube is mounted w/IMU in standard orientation (0 deg to horizon/forward, aka imu RPY is 0,0,0)
e. you are not using a modalai flight core (option for voxl-cam purchase)First of make sure your PX4 SENS_BOARD_ROT (or AHRS_ORIENTATION if Ardupilot) is set for a cube setup (I recall should be "No rotation" as well as from your photo). Please reply if that is all correct. If so, then we can move to the next step where I can show you how confirm vio's pose estimation (after that then we'll look at position accuracy).