Which sensors are includes in RB5 platforms
Are IMU, LIDAR, GPS, Cameras coming with RB5 platforms? If not, do you have a list of compatible sensors? I am fairly new to the field. My apologies if it is a naive question.
Hi @Wei-Cui-0 ,
There's a datasheet here: https://docs.modalai.com/Qualcomm-Flight-RB5-datasheet/
In general:
- 2 pairs of stereo sensors and 1 tracking sensor (ov7251), 1 IMX214 hi-res 4k sensor
- ICM42688p IMU
- CH-201 "chirp" sensors
- ICP-10100 Barometer
- external GPS/Magnetometer (Holybro 2nd GPS)
It has a USB 3.1 port/hub exposed through the 5G modem addon board to, so you can plug USB devices into that as well, and the OS is Ubuntu with 4.19 kernel.
Is the ICP-10100 Barometer on the m500 development drone as well?
Hi @Matthew-Howlett ,
No the m500 currently has a BMP388.