Mounting SD Card on VOXL2
I am formatting an SD card to exfat so it can be used on linux, windows, and macos - I added a .mount file in /lib/systemd/systemd that looks like this:
Description=Mount VOXL2 SD Card[Mount]
WantedBy=multi-user.targetWhere I am trying to mount the sd card on /media/ouster - the issue I am having is that it usually shows its mounted via the script - but when I put something on the card and then remove the card and place it on a windows or mac device, the file I put in the sd card on the voxl2 does not show up in the card when in mac or windows.
The actual code placing the file on the card is a docker file running also in systemD that is grabbing lidar data from an ouster lidar and populating a .pcap file on the SD card.
Any thoughts as to why I am having this issue?