voxl_vision_hub.h missing
I installed SDK 1.0.0 on a VOXL2 and during compiling of our own code I get the following error:
fatal error: voxl_vision_hub.h: No such file or directory #include <voxl_vision_hub.h> ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated.
I checked the folder
and the file is missing over there:voxl2:~$ ls /usr/include/voxl_* /usr/include/voxl_common_config.h /usr/include/voxl_imu_server.h /usr/include/voxl_qvio_server.h /usr/include/voxl_vision_px4.h /usr/include/voxl_cutils.h /usr/include/voxl_io.h /usr/include/voxl_slpi_uart_bridge_interface.h /usr/include/voxl_io: i2c.h other.h spi.h /usr/include/voxl_trajectory: setpoint_position.h trajectory_evaluation.h trajectory_interface.h trajectory_protocol.h trajectory_utils.h voxl_trajectory.h
I believe this is caused because the new header file is not set as public header in this file: https://gitlab.com/voxl-public/voxl-sdk/services/voxl-vision-hub/-/blob/master/src/CMakeLists.txt#L32
I would expect that when that is changed to
set_target_properties(voxl-vision-hub PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER "../include/voxl_vision_px4.h;../include/voxl_vision_hub.h")
it will work.
Is that correct?
Thanks for pointing this out! I applied your fix in voxl-vision-hub v1.6.7 which is now up on the staging repository and will be included in SDK 1.0.1
Best Regards,