Is there an on board way to access DSP logs?
I want to see the output of a status command running on the QuRT side of PX4. I see in the documentation a method of accessing DSP logs from a connected computer with mini-dm (, but it would be very helpful for us to access the logs from directly on the VOXL2.
Could we run min-dm directly from the VOXL2 to see these logs instead?
@Aidan-Dempster Also, if anybody is trying to get QuRT logs on a Mac, nano-dm does work. With the caveat that it must be from a remote computer over USB though.
@Aidan-Dempster The PX4 messages from the DSP side are sent over to the applications processor side to be displayed along with the PX4 messages generated on the applications processor side. The ones from the DSP side are prefixed with the
tag. -
@Eric-Katzfey Oh, ha. I could have sworn it wasn't outputting my custom module status message. Checking again I see it though. That's silly.