Restoring Catkin Workspace
Hi Modal AI team,
I recently flashed the system image successfully and reload the docker image from /data I saved with:
docker save kinetic | gzip > /data/roskinetic-xenial_v1_0.tgz
I knew that flashing wipes the file system but didn't know the file system in docker also goes away.
Is my Catkin ws stored somewhere else ?
if not, it is going to be a important tragic lesson for me to backup my code and ws.
Would the voxl-backup command save the catkin_ws?
Thank you,
Ayberk -
Hi @Voxlady ,
In the beginning of the flashing process, the 'installation wizard' prompts you with the following:
This process will completely wipe your VOXL Would you like to preserve the /data/ parition which contains things like calibration, wifi config, and docker images? To preserve files in /data/ answer Y To wipe /data/ for a full factory flash answer N Enter Y or N: [choose]
Sorry about your data loss!
Hi @modaltb ,
Thank you for your message. I did actually choose "Yes" but it didn't store the ROS folders and files. It stored the Python packages I installed and the docker images.
So, I would like to confirm if the voxl-backup command will save the folders in data.
However, it is okay. I took me some time to recover but now all good.
thank you again