Mavlink-Server Verification
Hello, since my last questions i am down to getting the UART from the voxl2 to the orange cube set. I have everything wired in and set to external flight controller. I enable mavlink server and check systemctl status it says its running. There is a bug however with the FW for the orange cube where the mavlink console will not allow commands to run. Are there any checks you would suggest to show tx and rx streams or even imu streams from the cube?
Just need something to give me a warm and fuzzy that its working.
Thank you
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I when i run voxl-mavlink-server -s i see the outgoing. When i run with a -r there is no printing of outgoing messages.
What i have:
Voxl2 0.9
Microhard add on
UART from the Microhard
logic level from 1.8 to 3.3v
Verified the voltage shiftI saw a mention of a SDK fix that was about 14hours old. I just need a good start to troubleshoot this
Also will i need to replicate the set up as in do i need a GPS directly to the VOXL2and the orientations to be set?
Update: looks as if my level shifter was a little low on the 3.3v side replaced and I’m talking to the FC now.
@McMason Can you please guide me on how to solve this issue?
I am having a similar problem with the Sentinel drone, when I run the voxl-mavlink-server -r command, there is no main loop being triggered.
Hence, I am also unable to see the drone connected to the QGround controller.