Sentinel take off in a sloping position
I have Sentinel buy from order #3376. While we try to fly first time and we found one of propellors power is weaker than others.
We set to manual mode to fly that you can see the drone take off in a sloping position because the front-left propellor power is low. Please refer to attached video.
We try to reassemble the propellor but seems not very work.
Is this a quality issue? Do you have experience on this?
@daniel We also have experienced this, even on flat surfaces. Sometimes, one propeller will spin very slowly when the drone is armed and we cannot take-off.
Can you please check the vehicle's attitude (roll, pitch, yaw) when it is sitting flat, right before take-off? You can look at PX4 logs or live using GCS.
If the IMU is not calibrated properly, and the vehicle thinks that it is tilted, it will try to compensate for it by tilting in opposite direction, so it can appear as if one of the motors is not able to spin faster, when in fact the flight controller could be commanding it to spin slowly. This is just one reason why this could be happening, so it is worth checking.