Voxl-mapper able to build but missing symbol on the board
We were able to compile voxl-mapper on voxl-cross and deploy it on the voxl.
When we try running voxl-mapper, on the voxl2, we get the error 'voxl-mapper: symbol lookup error: voxl-mapper: undefined symbol: _ZNK7voxblox5LayerINS_9EsdfVoxelEE10saveToFileENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEb
' as seen in the image.How can this error be fixed?
This looks like a version mismatch between the voxl-voxblox you built against and the version you have on your VOXL.
To ensure the versions match, you need to install the build dependencies from the last release in voxl-cross before deploying to voxl. This can be done by running:
./install_build_deps.sh apq8096 sdk-0.8
instead of
./install_build_deps.sh apq8096 stable