voxl-tflite-server crashes after 5-10 minutes
After running:
roslaunch voxl_mpa_to_ros voxl_mpa_to_ros.launch
on the VOXL with the latest stable version of voxl-tflite-server running (v0.1.6), I noticed that the tflite pipe would disconnect and reconnect after about 5-10 minutes.
Here is an output of that occuring:
Found new interface: tflite Found new interface: tracking Found new interface: cpu_monitor Found new interface: imu0 Found new interface: imu1 Found new interface: vvpx4_gps_raw_int Found new interface: vvpx4_mavlink_io Found new interface: vvpx4_sys_status Found new interface: vvpx4_vehicle_gps Found new interface: vvpx4_body_wrt_fixed Found new interface: vvpx4_body_wrt_local Found new interface: qvio_extended Found new interface: vvpx4_shell Found new interface: qvio Interface: tflite's data pipe disconnected, closing until it returns Found pipe for interface: tflite, now advertising Interface: tflite's data pipe disconnected, closing until it returns Found pipe for interface: tflite, now advertising Interface: tflite's data pipe disconnected, closing until it returns Found pipe for interface: tflite, now advertising
When this happens all of the cameras on voxl-portal are no longer viewable. I can select them but no image shows up. Even if I restart voxl-portal or the voxl-tflite server the cameras don't show up in voxl-portal. The only fix to this is to restart the voxl entirely.
I then tested to see if this happened without voxl-mpa-to-ros running. Unfortunately, the same error still occurs. After about 5-10 minutes the cameras are no longer viewable in voxl-portal with the only fix being to reboot the voxl.
@colerose please see the latest version v0.1.8 on dev or stable. This version also includes a new output pipe (tflite_data) by default that will publish metadata about detections, in the form of:
typedef struct object_detection_msg { int64_t timestamp_ns; uint32_t class_id; char class_name[64]; float class_confidence; float detection_confidence; float x_min; float y_min; float x_max; float y_max; } __attribute__((packed)) object_detection_msg; typedef struct detections_array { int32_t num_detections; object_detection_msg detections[64]; } __attribute__((packed)) detections_array;
@Matt-Turi thanks for letting me know! Does this new version crash less often? Also, will the output pipe work with voxl_mpa_to_ros?
@colerose Yes, the new version fixes this issue and should no longer be a problem.
The new output pipe is not compatible with voxl_mpa_to_ros yet, but it will be added in very soon!
@Matt-Turi Can you please let us know if voxl_mpa_to_ros is compatible with the new output pipe? Thanks.
@Wei-Cui @colerose The dev latest version of voxl_mpa_to_ros is now compatible with the new output pipe. See the latest package on our opkg repo titled voxl-nodes_0.2.2_202112212238.ipk or public gitlab.
hello @colerose how do u get all these topics by launching just roslaunch voxl_mpa_to_ros voxl_mpa_to_ros.launch because when i launch it i get just these topics :
MPA to ROS app is now runningFound new interface: hires
Found new interface: qvio_overlay
Found new interface: stereo
Found new interface: tracking
Found new interface: imu0
Found new interface: imu1
Found new interface: voa_pc_out
Found new interface: qvio
Thank u in advance for your reply