5GHz mode on ALFA dongle and change beacon freq
I am trying to connect to the softAP of the VOXL2 drone with a ALFA dongle.
VOXL-suite 1.3.1
I can connect fine with 2.4GHz and see that 5 GHz is supported on the dongle.
But when I access hostapd program in Linux the file structure seems different then what I expect. I am unable to find hostap.conf which is how I would expect this change to be made. AM I missing something within the adb shell?Thanks!
@RSAUser1 If you upgrade to the latest SDK (1.4.0) you'll see a new option in
which will create a 5GHz network -
@tom Any way to change the broadcast frequency as in AP?
@RSAUser1 It's not something I've tried, but I assume it would work in the same way you would do it on another Ubuntu 18.04 device.