VIO/VOA with ArduCopter
Is the VOXL2's VIO/VOA functionality really not possible with ArduCopter?
From their documentation it seems that ArduCopter has VIO compatibility with the VOXL products, but specifically not VOXL2. I wonder why that is the case. Is it not sending the same MAVLink odometry packets to the flight controller? (I'm using a Pixhawk with ArduCopter 4.3.7)
VOA is more unclear to me. Does any VOXL product have working VOA compatibility with ArduCopter?
I'm fine with digging into it more to try and hack things together if needed as I like the VOXL2 and would like to order more for our fleet, but if it's a lost cause I don't want to waste a bunch of engineering time on it.
Any additional information/clarity is helpful. Thank you!
@MattK The VOXL SDK is common between VOXL CAM, VOXL 1 and VOXL 2, so the same messages will be sent in the same manner between VOXL and the flight controller over mavlink
@Chad-Sweet Great to hear, that's exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you!