We are running qvio on the Starling 2 Platform (through voxl_map_to_ros.launch) and had a quick question:
When visualizing the qvio/pose topics in rviz, we can see the pitch and yaw is inverted. I decided to look at the raw Unix pipe data for qvio (through voxl-inspect-qvio) and it seems to be identical to the messages being published on that rostopic. My theory is that, because the body frame of the Starling 2 has its Z-axis pointing downward and ROS assumes its Z axis to point upward, we are seeing this behavior.
Our idea is to just modify our state estimation node to transform the pose data from qvio by adjusting the roll by 180 degrees. Before doing so, I wanted to check if there is any existing infrastructure to aid with this?
Inverted Pose Video