@Chad-Sweet I am running into what I think is a similar problem.
I am attempting to connect to the Telem2 port of a Pixhawk autopilot, from the ttyHS1 port on the USB3/UART daughterboard with a VOXL 2. I am currently running on system image 0.9.5. I have voxl-px4 disabled, but voxl-mavlink server is showing no traffic and I see no communications either in Mission Planner (talking to the Pixhawk), or the software I am running on the VOXL. I was able to run with this same configuration ~1 year ago, on voxl2_platform_1.3.1-0.8. Is it possible that something has changed between those system images to prevent communications through ttyHS1 for this setup?
In troubleshooting, I have already iterated through aligning on different baud rates, ensuring the VOXL user is added to the dialout group, and changing the permissions of the ttyHS1 port to allow any user to access it, with no changes. I am currently working on re-installing system image 1.3.1-0.8 on one of my VOXLs, to try to confirm whether the difference in system images is the issue.
Any help would be appreciated!