@modaltb I was trying to bake yocto for galileo or raspberry pi and run the voxl project inside it, it'll act like VOXL, then connect pixhawk 2.1 to the board via telem2, in combined will be like VOXL Flight, this seemed like a doable idea, right?
Posts made by Ador
RE: VOXL on Intel-Galileo & Pixhawk Cube
Rotating the tracking camera
Can I rotate the tracking camera to face downward (i mean 90 degrees kind of downward)?
i understand that I have to edit the extrinsic config, so I would change only this part:{ "parent": "imu1", "child": "tracking", "T_child_wrt_parent": [0.017, 0.015, 0.013], "RPY_parent_to_child": [0, 45, 90] }
specifically this part:
"RPY_parent_to_child": [0, 45, 90]
"RPY_parent_to_child": [0, 90, 90]
would this affect the VIO? or affect anything at all?
VOXL on Intel-Galileo & Pixhawk Cube
Can I -in a way- replicate the whole voxl-project to run on Yocto built for Galileo and connect a pixhawk cube running PX4 to it?
I've Ordered a Flight Deck, and I really like the idea of embedded linux (yocto) I want to build it until I get my Flight Deck .