I am following the tutorial for connecting the VOXL2 to the local wifi network using the purchased wifi adapter below but I'm unable to successfully connect.
Voxl chip
voxl2:/$ cat /proc/device-tree/model
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. qrb5165 IOT RB5code_text
voxl2:/$ voxl-wifi
Illegal usage
Configure the Wi-Fi mode.
voxl-wifi getmode
Print the current mode (softap of station)
voxl-wifi softap <ssid>
Set Wi-Fi to Access Point mode.
Password defaults to '1234567890'
voxl-wifi station <ssid> [password]
Set the Wi-Fi to station mode and connect to the AP with provided SSID
and (optional) password. Note: if your password has special characters
surround it with quotes.
voxl-wifi -f
Set the Wi-Fi to Access Point mode and SSID to 'SSID'
Password defaults to '1234567890'
voxl2:/$ voxl-wifi station "Alpha Bravo" "Password"
Cannot find device "wlan0"
Device "wlan0" does not exist.
Cannot find device "wlan0"