ADB will not find Flight Deck if the tracking camera is connected (J4)
Okay, so now I have reflashed my system with the most updated version and have reconfigured everthing that I believe that I needed to, but the problem now is that when I run the voxl-streamer command I get stuck at "Using configuration file /etc/modalai/voxl-streamer.conf" like this:
yocto:/$ voxl-streamer
Using configuration file /etc/modalai/voxl-streamer.confand it does the same for any of the other cameras that I try.
So now you can run it with any of the configuration options specified in that file such as:
voxl-streamer -c tracking
for tracking or
voxl-streamer -c stereo
for the stereo cameras
Yes, but when I try to run it I just get stuck at "Using configuration file ..."
yocto:/$ voxl-streamer -c tracking Using configuration tracking Using configuration file /etc/modalai/voxl-streamer.conf
And I've left it for almost 5 minutes with it stuck at this stage.
Is voxl-camera-server running? You can check with
It is enabled but not running, so how would I go about running it?
yocto:/$ voxl-inspect-services Service Name | Enabled | Running | CPU Usage -------------------------------------------------------------- docker-autorun | Disabled | Not Running | Not Running docker-daemon | Disabled | Not Running | Not Running modallink-relink | Disabled | Not Running | Not Running voxl-camera-server | Enabled | Not Running | Not Running
You can run it with:
systemctl start voxl-camera-server
If it is enabled but not running though that means that it crashed on startup (or you stopped it). If you didn't manually stop it that means it encountered an error which is usually due to a bad camera connector causing the driver to throw an error. If you start it and it still shows up as stopped afterwards could you run it manually with:
voxl-camera-server -d 0
and paste the output here
Here is the output:
yocto:/$ voxl-camera-server -d 0 ------ voxl-camera-server INFO: Port J2 ------ voxl-camera-server: Done configuring hires camera Port : port_J2 Name : hires Enabled : 1 Type : hires Api : hal3 P-W : 640 P-H : 480 P-Fmt : nv21 FPS : 30 OverrideId : -1 AEAlgo : isp ------ voxl-camera-server INFO: Port J3 ------ voxl-camera-server: Done configuring stereo camera Port : port_J3 Name : stereo Enabled : 1 Type : stereo Api : hal3 P-W : 1280 P-H : 480 P-Fmt : nv21 FPS : 30 OverrideId : -1 AEAlgo : modalai =================MODALAI Auto Exposure Settings================== gain_min: 0 gain_max: 1000 exposure_min_us: 100 exposure_max_us: 33000 desired_msv: 58.000000 k_p_ns: 32000.000000 k_i_ns: 20.000000 max_i: 250.000000 p_good_thresh: 3 exposure_period: 1 gain_period: 2 display_debug: no exposure_offset_for_gain_calc: 8000 ================================================================= ------ voxl-camera-server INFO: Port J4 ------ voxl-camera-server: Done configuring tracking camera Port : port_J4 Name : tracking Enabled : 1 Type : tracking Api : hal3 P-W : 640 P-H : 480 P-Fmt : raw8 FPS : 30 OverrideId : -1 AEAlgo : modalai =================MODALAI Auto Exposure Settings================== gain_min: 0 gain_max: 1000 exposure_min_us: 100 exposure_max_us: 33000 desired_msv: 58.000000 k_p_ns: 32000.000000 k_i_ns: 20.000000 max_i: 250.000000 p_good_thresh: 3 exposure_period: 1 gain_period: 2 display_debug: no exposure_offset_for_gain_calc: 8000 ================================================================= Writing new configuration to /etc/modalai/voxl-camera-server.conf Created pipe: hires_preview channel: 0 Created pipe: stereo channel: 1 Created pipe: tracking channel: 2 Starting Camera: tracking SUCCESS: Camera module opened ----------- Number of cameras: 0 ------ voxl-camera-server INFO: Camera server is now stopping There is a chance that it may segfault here, this is a mmqcamera bug, ignore it ------ voxl-camera-server INFO: Stopping tracking camera Fault address: 0x68 Address not mapped. Segmentation fault
I do have the J3 and J2 ports using the MIPI extension cables if that might be causing problems
You have all of the cameras indicated there plugged in (hires, stereo, tracking)?
Yes, and I've double checked that they are all in the correct ports
It's also possible that your extension cables are plugged in backwards, 90% of that output is reading the config file at /etc/modalai/voxl-camera-server.conf. The critical part is the
----------- Number of cameras: 0
This is the response from the driver when we asked how many cameras it sees, it will often refuse to open any of them if any of the lines are incorrect, could you show a picture of you cable setup?
There could also be a break in one of the cable lines (they can bend gently but should not be folded to an angle)
Sorry for the late response, I've been doing some testing. so I've narrowed it down to the error lying in the stereo cameras, I connected each sensor one at a time, reconfigured, and ran the voxl-streamer and was able to get footage for the hires and tracking, but when it came to the stereo it would not work. When I would reboot the system and inspect the services I would see that the voxl-camera-server is running, but once I tried to voxl-streamer -c stereo it would get stuck at the same place and the voxl-camera-server would stop running. I've confirmed that both of my extension cables are working by testing them with the hires camera. I checked the physcial connections on the stereo cameras and there are no creases in them, they look just as they were folded with the original setup, and I believe that if any of the connections were inverted then the VOXL wouldn't even start up.