Unable to Connect to QGC with Latest Software Platform Release
I have several Sentinel drones with the Mircohard carrier modem. I'm working on trying to incorporate mocap odometry data and fuse it with the qvio data (https://forum.modalai.com/topic/2449/fusing-mocap-and-vio-data).
I just flashed one of the drones with the latest software platform release VOXL2 SDK 1.0.0. I'm now unable to connect to QGC (running on a PC with Ubuntu 20.04) at all. It won't autoconnect and I can't establish a comm link through the app settings in QGC. I can ping the host pc IP while shelled into the voxl and vice versa.
I noticed there isn't a parameter for qgc_ip in the voxl-vision-hub config file the way there was in the voxl-vision-px4 config file. Is there somewhere else in the voxl config files I should be setting the qgc IP address? Any troubleshooting help is appreciated, thanks!
Update: This is resolved. I tried putting the gcs ip address in the voxl-mavlink-server config file and restarting and I still wasn't able to auto-connect or initiate a connection from QGC. Once I nulled out both primary/secondary gcs ip params in the config file (per Mavlink Routing section of documentation) I was able to connect from qgc. Still can't auto-connect but that's not a concern. Wondering if wifi has to be enabled to autoconnect?
@josephmlullo Any luck connecting QGC automatically again? Voxl-configure-vision-px4 not being there also made me do these steps but it worked. Thanks!
@Jgaucin I reflashed the system image for an unrelated reason and now the drone autoconnects to QGC with these settings in voxl-mavlink-server.conf file in /etc/modalai.
"x.x.x.x" is the IP of the host PC running QGC.
"primary_static_gcs_ip": "",
"secondary_static_gcs_ip": "x.x.x.x",
"onboard_port_to_autopilot": 14556,
"onboard_port_from_autopilot": 14557,
"gcs_port_to_autopilot": 14558,
"gcs_port_from_autopilot": 14559,
"en_external_uart_ap": false,
"autopilot_uart_bus": 1,
"autopilot_uart_baudrate": 921600,
"en_external_ap_timesync": 1,
"en_external_ap_heartbeat": 1,
"udp_mtu": 512,
"gcs_timeout_s": 4.5