VOXL2 resetting Microhard USB chip after disconnecting all downstream devices
I have a VOXL2, with a MicroHard modem breakout board attached. I also have a USB hub that is independently powered and daisy chained to the MicorHard breakout USB port so that my VOXL has more USB connections available.
Observing dmesg, I randomly see that all of my USB devices get disconnected, one by one, followed by a reset of the MicroHard USB chip. I have checked for loose cables, and also can not force this issue to occur by inducing vibrations.
Is anyone aware of a bug or common issue that could cause the VOXL2 to force reset down stream USB devices?
Hi @ComputerDev ,
The Microhard Modem Carrier Addon (
internally) has a USB hub in it already (USB2514Bi
), so I'm wondering if we have something funky going on with chaining... Does this only show up with the second hub attached?Good that you are independently powering as that was my next line of though.