Flight core integrate with a Wifi module?
Hi, is it possible that I buy a Wifi module and connect it to the Telem2 port in flight core so that the QGC in my laptop can communicate with PX4 through this Wifi? and in this case, my laptop will work as the companion computer instead of the VOXL.
Not out of the box -- you would need software running on the WiFi module to turn the serial/UART into packets to send over wifi in much the same way the VOXL does through
and the mavlink server.Something like https://www.seeedstudio.com/grove-uart-wifi-v2-esp8285.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwrNmWBhA4EiwAHbjEQAItVDD1g2yzKCTEn6CQgcpUFMOcq_KO3P3pyJJhrzkPx51yIZ2hCRoCrg4QAvD_BwE might work, but I haven't tried. Or a similar ESP-based board with a UART and Wifi included. Ublox makes the Nina line of chips as well that you could build something to do this for you.
Hey the answer is yes.
I use DroneBridge for ESP32 but I believe there's a ton of other similar mavlink apps for ESPs.