Hi everyone,
I'm struggling with VOXL2 J3 connector,
I desgined my own add-on board that hosts a microHard module for 2.4Ghz, taking microhard-usb-carrier as example.
The thing seemed to work properly but suddenly the add-on board stopped working (while VOXL2 is still functioning).
I double checked by plugging an usb add-on and i discovered that not only an usb device is detected by VOXL, but testing with a V-meter i measured zero volt on USB port.
It seems that J23's 5V regulator on VOXL2 is dead.
Is it possible that microhard drawn too much current? Which is the maximum current limit of J23's 5V?
I'm confused because on microhard-usb-carrier, it's stated in the block diagram that you can choose between VOXL2 or external 5V powering albeit in the following section is written that 5V external power is required.