Wanted to post about how I got this working finally
I was having issues with docker build ( would segfault on ubuntu) and building the mavsdk from source ( while running the binary on voxl2, it complained that glibc was missing ) , so I finally downloaded the mavsdk_server_linux-arm64-musl from https://github.com/mavlink/MAVSDK/releases
Followed the instructions to set the vision hub prameters from https://docs.modalai.com/mavsdk/
Started the mavsdk-server
./mavsdk_server_linux-arm64-musl -p 50051 udpin://
From the android app
drone = System(
<drone IP address>,
50051 // -p parameter for mavsdk-server
Don't call mavsdkServer.run as mavsdkserver is already running in voxl2