Dual Stereo only
Has anyone had luck running camera server / voxl-streamer without having the HIRES/Tracking cameras plugged in? Even though I disable it in the configuration file in /etc/modalai/voxl-camera-server.conf it seems like it MUST be plugged in in order to use the dual stereo feature.
------ voxl-camera-server: Starting camera server Started Camera: stereo_front ERROR: Get camera 4(stereo_rear) info failed! Encountered error starting camera: stereo_rear, exiting Stopped Camera: stereo_front
If you physically unplug two of the cameras the IDs for the other cameras will decrease to populate the first N IDs. In the normal setup front stereo is ids 0 and 1, tracking is 2, hires is 3, and rear stereo is 4 and 5. If you've unplugged the tracking and hires you'll need to change the rear stereo ids to 3 and 2 instead of 5 and 4 since there will only be 4 cameras. I.E:
{ "name": "stereo_rear", "enabled": true, "frame_rate": 30, "type": "ov7251", "camera_id": 3, "camera_id_second": 2, "independent_exposure": false, "ae_desired_msv": 60, "ae_filter_alpha": 0.600000023841858, "ae_ignore_fraction": 0.20000000298023224, "ae_slope": 0.05000000074505806, "ae_exposure_period": 1, "ae_gain_period": 1 }
Thanks for your reply! I got it working. Thank you!