First Flight Help On VOXL Flight Deck.
Can someone please help me with my first flight? I setup a roskinetic docker and used the mavros_test example that was provided online. However I am unable to fly the drone in figure eight motion. I am able to see the rostopic list from host pc but nothing is being published on the topics.
My goal is to run a custom Python script that uses motion capture system to provide pose data over vrpn_client_ros for hover and land. I started with the tutorial first but because I could not get the drone to take off I am now stuck. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank You.P.S My drone is able to arm via QGroundControl over UDP connection.
If it is VOXL Flight based, the M500 Getting Started should be useful
Definitely first test the drone out very carefully using manual mode. It's a big jump to get start programming it with a script. A lot could go wrong!
I have done a first flight using a controller and the drone is responding fine. I wanted to use Motion capture to provide the Pose data, is there a way to do this on the VOXL?